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Easy-To-Install And Daily Use Medication Dispenser

Easy Installation and daily use:

When a medication is due, an alarm reminds the user to press the blue button which triggers the medication to dispense into a drawer. Medications can be loaded either by a caregiver, pharmacist or user into four individual or multi-dose cassettes.  It plugs into an electric power outlet and a standard phone line.  TabSafe then transmits and downloads the programmed medication schedule and reports for secure online access. The TabSafe automatically calls to a call center every night between 12pm-1 am to reset the patients schedules. checks inventory and accuracy of the machine with  releases of the medication from the previous day.  Excellent way to keep track of your meds:)

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Medication Solutions LLC
2111 S. Trenton Way, #101
Denver, CO 80231

PH: 303-399-1088
FX: 303-399-1092
TF: 877-700-8600

About TabSafe

TabSafe is the easy-to-use, effective solution for managing medications yet can accommodate even the most complex schedules. The security features and online reporting mean peace of mind for the user, family and caregivers. Improving medication adherence to over 96% leads to increased wellness and independence.